Covid-19 safety protocols

Please note that you will notice some differences to my practice in order to comply with my professional regulations and reduce risk of viral transmission to all. Before booking in with me please take a few minutes to read this message over. It will help you familiarize yourself with my return to work plan so you know what to expect, as well as what is expected of you as a patient.

For the full safety plan click here.

The highlights:

  • I (the therapist) will not treat you if I suspect I have, or have been exposed to, Covid-19. Nor will I treat anyone who has been exposed to, or they themselves have, Covid-19. Questions and checks will be in place before and during each appointment to ensure, to the best of my ability, that no one entering my treatment space (myself included) has Covid-19. You are welcome to ask me any questions about my cleaning regime, personal health screening practices or anything else that pertains to your safety.

  • The above process will rely on trust and honesty. So I ask you to be as honest as possible when assessing your health and symptoms and when reporting these to me. If you are unsure if your symptoms might be Covid-19 related please have a discussion with me and we can decide what the best course of action is at that time.

  • The day before each appointment the patient needs to complete an assessment about their health status that day. This information will need to be discussed again in person the day of the appointment. Please make sure you complete the form that is emailed to you the day before your appointment and be available for a possible followup phone call from me as well. If you need to schedule that phone call for a specific window of time that day please email me to let me know that 2 days or more before your appointment.

  • At this time I will not be accepting new patients. I will reassess as I go and will open my practice to new patients again only as I feel comfortable to do so.

  • I know that at times the extra paperwork, questions and procedures may feel tedious or redundant but I ask for your cooperation in helping me keep myself and everyone who comes to see me as safe as possible.

  • There will be extra cleaning protocols in place and some changes to the clinic space to support effective cleaning. Patients are asked to avoid unnecessary touching of fixtures and furnishings.

  • Please respect the time needed for the extra cleaning protocols by leaving promptly after your appointment and arriving no more than 5 minutes before your appointment.

  • Enter through the front door as usual and exit through the side door (door next to mine).

  • Patients must arrive to appointments unaccompanied at this time.

  • Both therapist and patient are required to wear a face mask that covers the nose and mouth for the whole appointment. Masks must not have an exhale valve. Please bring a clean mask with you if you are able to. If you don’t have a clean mask I will provide one for you.

  • You will be required to clean your hands upon arrival and before departure at a minimum. Supplies and instruction will be provided. Please comply if asked to clean your hands at any point.

  • The restroom will be for emergency use only. Patients are asked to use the washroom at home before coming to their appointment.

  • It is important to avoid face touching to reduce the spread of Covid-19. This also applies to touching one’s mask (not including the straps). Please avoid touching your face or mask during your appointment. There will be tissue provided if an itch needs to be addressed as well as hand sanitizer in the event that one’s face/mask was accidentally touched.

  • A disinfected plastic bin will be placed in the treatment room. The patient is asked to keep all of their personal belongings in this bin during the treatment.

  • If any patient refuses to comply with the safety measures in place they will be asked to leave and will likely not be invited back.

  • At this time the late cancelation fee will be waived to promote honest answering of health screening and people staying home if not feeling well. No shows however will still be charged the full appointment fee.

  • Despite all the safety protocols in place to mitigate the risk of Covid-19 spread and transmission during treatment please be aware that the risk cannot be reduced to zero; there will always be some risk. Please assess if the need for treatment is worth the risk of potential Covid-19 infection.

  • As always, if at any point you feel uncomfortable, want to stop treatment, or need to have something adjusted, please let me know. Your comfort and safety during your appointment are of utmost importance to me.